Join us on Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30!

We all know someone who once claimed to be a follower of Christ, but is not any longer. Add to that the number of well-known pastors who have recently walked away from the faith and we rightly wonder What happened? Did they lose their salvation? Did they forfeit it? Is that even possible? And how are we to make sense of all the "if" passages in the New Testament that seem to suggest the possibility of falling away?

Join the members of our pastoral staff in a roundtable discussion of what the Bible teaches about the true nature of salvation and how that relates to perseverance. We will also be giving away four copies of John Piper's book "Future Grace: The Purifying Power Of The Promises Of God".512xoLTUANL

This event will be held on March 22, 2020 at 6pm in the FLC. No registration necessary, but please email Connie Custer if you would like childcare.